Junior Touch

Junior Touch refers to our fun 7-week term-based Touch competitions for children from school Year 1 (age 5) up to Years 7 & 8 (ages 12 & 13).

Junior Touch are fun summer competitions where we encourage mass participation. Our competitions are affiliated with Touch NZ and the respective Provincial Touch associations. We encourage the keen and talented children to seek out the representative pathways offered by Touch North Harbour and Auckland Touch.

We try to make our Junior competitions school-based. That said, since our competitions are closely linked to the local rugby club, we certainly accept entries from club teams and groups of mates.

Unlike conventional sports clubs, touchrugby.co.nz is run privately, without a vast base of support or a well-financed governing body. We administer competitions and have over 600 teams playing each week, making it hard to deal with individuals.

Individuals are encouraged to liaise with local schools & rugby clubs in the area near the competition. This is the best chance of joining a team. Another alternative is to get a group of friends together and enter a team that way.

We use school year groups as a guideline for our grades.

Yr1&2 and Yr3&4 (boys & girls combined), Yr5&6 and Yr7&8 (boys & girls separate)

  • School Yrs 1-4 is 5-a-side with the coach allowed on the field
  • Yrs 1-4 play 1/2 a touch field with a dropped ball counting as a touch
  • Yr 5-8 is 6-a-side with standard touch rules

Roughly speaking and dependent on the number of teams entered we keep to the following competition format:

  • Week 1 – Grading (where we assess the playing level of your team)
  • Weeks 2-6 – Competition rounds
  • Week 7 – Finals day (where all teams play)

Please refer to individual competition pages for up to date pricing.

Junior Touch Competitions
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